GRAPH_REPRESENTATION is a directory which contains examples of a variety of representations for a few mathematical or abstract graphs.
Graphs are abstract models of a set of objects and some kind of pairwise relationship that exists between some pairs of the objects. The objects are called nodes and the relationships are called edges or links.
A graph is often depicted as a set of points (the nodes), some pairs of which are connected by lines (the edges or links).
A simple graph is a set of vertices V and a set of edges E, where each edge e in E is a set of two distinct nodes from V. By the conventions of set theory, no distinction is made between the edges {A,B} and {B,A}. This corresponds to the idea that the relationship being represented is symmetric.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
CITIES, a dataset directory which contains sets of information about cities and the distances between them;
CODEPACK is a FORTRAN90 library which computes "codes" that can determine if two graphs are isomorphic.
DIJKSTRA a C program which runs a simple example of Dijkstra's minimum distance algorithm for graphs.
FLOYD is a C++ library which implements Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest distance between pairs of nodes on a directed graph.
GRAFFITI is a dataset directory which contains 195 abstract graphs, with adjacency and embedding information, stored in the GRF format.
GRAFPACK is a FORTRAN90 library which carries out operations on abstract graphs.
GRAPH_REPRESENTATION, a MATLAB library which can express the representation of an abstract mathematical graph in several ways.
GRF, a data directory which contains examples of GRF files, an abstract graph file format, 2D graphics;
GRF_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which reads a GRF file defining a mathematical graph and displays it in the MATLAB graphics window.
GRF_DISPLAY_OPEN_GL, a C++ program which reads a GRF file defining a mathematical graph and displays it in an OpenGL graphics window.
GRF_IO, a C++ library which reads or writes a GRF file;
LAUPACK is a FORTRAN90 library which carries out various operations on graphs.
TABLE_GRAPH_CODE, a FORTRAN90 program which reads a TABLE file representing the adjacency matrix of a graph, and computes the graph code.
XYL, a data directory which contains examples of XYL files, a simple 2D graphics point and line format;
DISCONNECTED is an example of a disconnected graph. It includes 8 nodes, and 6 edges.
KN57 is an example of an edge-weighted graph. It includes 57 nodes, and 1,596 = (57*56)/2 edges. These are represented by a distance matrix.
MST is an example of an edge-weighted graph. It includes 10 nodes, and 17 edges.
MST2 is an example of an edge-weighted graph. It includes 13 nodes, and 21 edges.
MUSEUM is an example of a simple, connected graph. It is actually a tree (a graph with no circuits). It includes 18 nodes, and 17 edges.
PATHS is an example of a simple, unconnected graph. It includes 20 nodes and 22 edges.
SIMPLE is an example of a simple graph. It includes 5 nodes, and 4 edges.
TSP is an example of an edge-weighted complete graph. It includes 5 nodes, and 10 edges.
USA is an example of a simple graph of three components, two of which are single isolated nodes. It includes 51 nodes and 107 edges.
WALTHER is an example of a simple, connected graph. It includes 25 nodes, and 31 edges.
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