Isc3313 misc
( Overview | Syllabus | Schedule | Lectures | Assignments | Project | Code | Misc)
Exercises, Quizzes
Basic C++ Exercises : The exercises help you to practice and improve your C++ programming skills, there are usually multiple solutions to the problems, answers/solutions are not given, but if you are stuck with a particular problem talk to me.
Classes, member functions, and operators: The exercises help you to practice and improve your skills in working with classes and their functionality. If you are stuck with a particular problem talk to me. The rational project is in the 'Program snippets' section on the main web page of the class.
Link to past Quizzes.
Cheat sheets
GNUPlot cheat sheet (most interesting is the plot section.
UNIX shell cheat sheet : basic UNIX shell commands, such as cp, man, grep, find, ...
Upload/Download cheatsheet: Instructions how you can download (and upload) files to and from your computer to the account on our server.
How to do the homework
the most simple way is to use GCC/G++ on your own computer (if it is already installed) [if not then this is maybe rather involved (see next paragraph). Another way is to login to our system: we use the the machine called as a gatekeeper. On a mac or linux machine open a terminal and then:
<enter your password>
this will work similarly on Windows using the program putty.exe; look at the cheat sheet above.
Installing C++ on various computers
- For windows operating systems you could follow this INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (not clear whether the installed C++ version is really C++11)
- For Ubuntu, make sure that you have the gcc developer package installed
- On macs you will need to download Xcode and install from the Mac Appstore
Alternatively (but this seems quite involved), you could install LINUX on windows, for example using these instructions: (there is a thread on Reddit that Microsoft Signature PC cannot run LINUX: here)