Isc3313 lectures
Revision as of 03:54, 23 April 2014 by Peter Beerli (talk | contribs)
( Overview | Syllabus | Schedule | Lectures | Assignments | Project | Code | Misc)
- April 21,23 2014: Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Code see mcmc.cpp in the code section
- April 11-18 2014: Numerically solving Ordinary Differential Equations using multi point methods, example of a simple equation system, Lotka-Volterra solved using Runge-Kutta (see predator.cpp in the code section).
- April 9 2014: Numerically solving Ordinary Differential Equations using Runge-Kutta.
- April 2, 4, 7 2014: Numerically solving Ordinary Differential Equations using Euler.
- March 26, March 18, 2014: Interpolating Polynomials Developing programs to interpolate functions using the Lagrange form of the interpolating polynomial. Continuation on piecewise interpolation.
- February 26, 2014: Vectors and vector operations, first take: the C-programmers way (an example program is in Code section, it is called
- February 24, 2014: Being 'rational' Using OOP to develop a fully functional class that can handle rational numbers. Introduction to better program production design.
- February 10-21, 2014: Introduction to object orientated programming.
- January 27, 31 and Feb 3, 5., and 7 2014: Solving non-linear equations numerically, working a program to find the root of a function using bisection and newton method. Discussion of potential convergence problems with these root finders.
- January 17 and 24 2014: Implementation of a general Monte Carlo integration program, scavenging from the Pi program we wrote earlier. (added exercises1 to the Miscellaneous page)
- January 22 2014: Implementation of the for the Monte Carlo estimation of Pi (Several stages of the code)
- January 15 2014: General Monte Carlo integration and implementation of the Pi program
- January 13 2014: Monte Carlo integration and evaluation of Pi
- January 10 2014: Netbeans and First C++ program . UNIX shell cheat sheet
- January 8 2014: UNIX commandline
- January 6 2014: Introduction