Lab assignments for ISC-4304

Revision as of 06:59, 10 April 2015 by Beerli (talk | contribs)
  • Lab 1: Python, learn basic python commands and write a simple function PDF
  • Lab 2: Python, simple book analysis PDF
  • Lab 3: Python, Conway's Game of Life PDF
            (Some description of Conway's Game of Life   PDF)
  • Lab 3 Addendum: Python and Matplotlib, Conway's Game of Life PDF
  • Lab 4 Plotting with matplotlib PDF
  • Lab 5 n-ODE lab PDF
  • Lab 6 Bayesian inference on 4-sided dice data using Python PDF
  • Lab 7 Bayesian inference on 4-sided dice data using C++ PDF
  • Lab 8 Translation of the numerical n-ODE example to C++ PDF Small Vector library
  • Lab 9 Combining Python with C++ using boost::python PDF
  • Lab 10 Speeding up a python program using Cython PDF Code to improve is this Mandelbrot Python program