Class notes and slides

Revision as of 05:20, 11 September 2013 by Peter Beerli (talk | contribs)

I post the class slides here, they appear usually after the class, I encourage you not to depend on the slides but to take old fashioned notes, because the material will be easier to learn that way. Class notes are an amalgamation of my own slides and slides made by Janet Peterson and John Burkart.

Algorithms and Design

Lecture in PDF format
The slides discuss algorithm efficiency, brute force algorithms for sorting and searching, a transform and conquer algorithm for searching, decrease and conquer algorithms for sorting and finding a fake coint; a greedy algorithm for coin changeing, divide and conquer algorithms for sorting, searching, large integer multiplication and matrix multiplication. These lecture notes were originally prepared by Janet Peterson and slightly edited by Peter Beerli.

Random Processes

Lecture in PDF format