Main Page

Revision as of 12:01, 17 August 2015 by Beerli (talk | contribs) (→‎Classes)

(this will slowly taking over my old site at, if you are interested in other content than the currently active class ISC-5935PPG then you will find a much richer experience there)

This is the spring board to Peter Beerli's classes:


ISC-5935PPG Practical Population/Phylo-Genetics Inference

ISC-4304 Programming Scientific Applications

ISC-3313 Introduction to Scientific Computing using C++

ISC-4221 Discrete Algorithms in Scientific Computing

ISC-5317 Computational Evolutionary Biology


ISC-5939-03 Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice Seminar


UnixRX UNIX and Python remedy

MIGRATE Tutorials

Migrate Tutorials Intro page