
Revision as of 06:43, 5 October 2015 by Peter Beerli (talk | contribs)

Description of programs and tutorials

Here, you can find the programs we discussed, having a short summary about the programs and their inner working and a short tutorial of the program.


Genepop on the Web and Genepop Software This software calculates standard population genetic quantities, such as FST, isolation by distance measures etc.

Theory; Tutorial material: download GENEPOP_TUTORIAL.ZIP


The program Structure (download website uses genotpyic data to assign individuals to populations probabilistically.

Theory Tutorial


The program dadi (download website uses the site frequency spectrum to evaluate complex population models, up to three populations.

Theory Tutorial


The program treemix download website

Theory Tutorial


The program Geneland (it is an R package an can be installed from any CRAN site - see instructions)

Theory Tutorial


The program Sate estimates a phylogenetic tree and aligns sequences at the same time.

Theory Tutorial