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[[file:peterteaching.jpg | 300px | top | center ]]
([[Media:Syllabus-ISC4304-S2018.pdf | Syllabus]]    [[Notes ISC-4304 | Classnotes]] [[Homework for ISC-4304 | Homework ]]  [[Lab assignments for ISC-4304 | Lab]]  [[Resources for ISC-4304 | Resources]]    [[FunExamples | Fun]])
(for Spring semester 2019)
*[[Media:isc4304firstpythonS2019.pdf| Lecture 1 (Python baby steps) January 8,10,15]]
*[[Media:isc4304fcontainersS2019.pdf| Lecture 2 (containers) January 17]]
*[[Media:isc4304functionsS2019.pdf| Lecture 3 (functions) January 22]]
*[[Media:isc4304functionspractiseS2019.pdf| Lecture 3 (function practise) January 24]]
*[[Media:isc4304modulesS2019.pdf| Lecture 4 (modules) January 29, 31]]
*[[Media:isc4304plotting1S2019.pdf| Lecture 5 (printing) Feb 5]]
*[[Media:isc4304plotting2S2019.pdf| Lecture 5 (plotting) Feb 5]]
*[[Media:isc4304plotting3S2019.pdf| Lecture 5 (multipleplot) Feb 5]]
*[[Media:isc4304plotting4S2019.pdf| Lecture 5b (file I/O and practice) Feb 7]] (Download the data package: [https://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/L5_plotting_S2019_practice.zip L5_plotting_practice.zip])
*[[Media:isc4304exceptionsinteratorsS2019.pdf| Lecture 6 (exceptions and iterators) Feb 12,14]]
*[[Media:isc4304numpyS2019.pdf| Lecture 7 (numpy) Feb 19,21]]
*[[Media:isc4304debuggingS2019.pdf| Lecture 8 (debugging) Feb 26]] (Download the package: [https://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/debugging_examples.zip debugging_examples.zip])
* Lecture 9 Programming numerical equation solving (extension of debugging)
* [[Media:isc4304oopS2019.pdf| Lecture 10 (Python OOP) March 5-30]]
* [[Media:isc4304C++pointersS2019.pdf| Lecture 11 (C++ pointers) April 2]]
* [[Media:isc4304C++referencesS2019.pdf| Lecture 12 (C++ references) April 2]]
* [[Media:isc4304boost1S2019.pdf| Lecture 13 (boost-python) April 9]]
* [[Media:isc4304boost2S2019.pdf| Lecture 14 (boost-python) April 11]]
* [[Media:isc4304cython2S2019.pdf| Lecture 15 (cython) April 16]]
[[file:peterteaching.jpg | 300px | top | right ]]
(for Spring semester 2017)
(<b>OLD: for Spring semester 2018<b> [remains to prepare for lectures when new lectures were not posted in time])
*[[Media:isc4304overview1S2018.pdf| Lecture 1 (Syllabus/Introduction) January 8]]
*[[Media:isc4304firstpythonS2018.pdf| Lecture 2 (Python baby steps) January 10]]
*[[Media:isc4304listsS2018b.pdf| Lecture 3 (Python lists, sets, dicts, slicing) January 17]]
*[[Media:isc4304listsS2018b.pdf| Lecture 4 (Continuation: Python lists, sets, dicts, slicing) January 19]]
*[[Media:isc4304functionsS2018.pdf| Lecture 4/5 (Functions) January 19]]
*[[Media:isc4304functionsS2018.pdf| Lecture 6 (Functions) January 22]]
*[[Media:isc4304variablesmodulesS2018.pdf| Lecture 7 (Variables and Modules) January 24 and 26]]
*[[Media:isc4304plottingS2018.pdf| Lecture 8 (Plotting with matplotlib) January 26]]
*[[Media:isc4304filesetcS2018.pdf| Lecture 9 (Files, texts, more on loops) January 29]]
*[[Media:isc4304filesetcS2018.pdf| Lecture 10 (Files, texts) January 31, cont from Jan 29]]
*[[Media:isc4304numpyS2018.pdf| Lecture 11 (numpy package) February 2]]
*[[Media:isc4304numpy2S2018.pdf| Lecture 12 (numpy package extended) February 5]]
*[[Media:isc4304OOP1S2018.pdf| Lecture 13 object oriented python 1) February 7]]
(*[[Media:isc4304OOP2S2018.pdf| Lecture 14 (object oriented python 2)]] -- not given) [we practiced OOP instead]
*[[Media:isc4304iteratorsS2018.pdf| Lecture 15 (iterators) February 12]]
*[[Media:isc4304debuggingS2018.pdf| Lecture 16 (debugging) February 12]]
* Lectures 17 and 18 were given using codes in the [[Resources for ISC-4304 | Resources]], we discussed solving ordinary differential equations using the forward-Euler method.
* [[Media:isc4304scipyS2018.pdf | Lecture 19 (scipy module) February 21]]
* [[Media:isc4304speedS2018.pdf | Lecture 20 (speed) February 28]]
* Review of Python
*[[Media:isc4304juliaS2018.pdf| Lecture 22 (alternatives to Python: Julia) March 9]]  (Complete [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/Julia-EuroSciPy14-mod.zip package]  with IJulia notebooks) [for installation of Julia and IJulia look at [http://www.julialang.org the Julia main website] ].
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusintroS2018.pdf| Lecture 23 C++ Pointers]]
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusreferences.pdf| Lecture 24 C++ References]]
*[[Media:isc4304STL.pdf| Lecture 25 STL ]]
* [[Media:isc4304boost_python1S2017.pdf| Lecture 26 Boost-Python March 30]] Installation of Boost-Python from scratch and trial of a simple example C++/python program ( [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes Example code is in the codes section under boost1example.zip]); we will also look at [http://mrbook.org/blog/tutorials/make/ MrBook's stuff on Makefiles]
*[[Media:isc4304scython_S2018.pdf| Lecture 27 Speedup of code using Cython  ]]
(OLD SLIDES for Spring semester 2017)
*[[Media:isc4304overview1S2017.pdf| Lecture 1 (Overview) January 10]]
*[[Media:isc4304overview1S2017.pdf| Lecture 1 (Overview) January 10]]
*[[Media:isc4304modules2S2017.pdf| Lecture 2 (Python Modules and Interaction with the OS) January 12]]
*[[Media:isc4304modules2S2017.pdf| Lecture 2 (Python Modules and Interaction with the OS) January 12]]
*[[Media:isc4304containers3S2017.pdf| Lecture 3 (Containers in python) January 17]]
*[[Media:isc4304functions4S2017.pdf| Lecture 4 (Functions) January 29]]
*[[Media:isc4304textprocessing+mix5S2017.pdf| Lecture 5 (Text processing) January 24]]
*[[Media:isc4304matplotlib6S2017.pdf| Lecture 6 (Plotting with matplotlib) January 26]]
*[[Media:isc4304numpy7S2017.pdf| Lecture 7 (scientific computing with numpy) January 31]]
*[[Media:isc4304scipy8S2017.pdf| Lecture 8 (scientific computing with scipy) February 2]]
*[[Media:isc4304classes9S2017.pdf| Lecture 9 (Object orientation with Python 1) February 7]]
*[[Media:isc4304classes10S2017.pdf| Lecture 10 (Object orientation with Python 2) February 9]]
* Tuesday February 14 2017: Question answer session on matplotlib
*[[Media:isc4304iterators12S2017.pdf| Lecture 12 (Iterators and Generators) February 16]]
*[[Media:isc4304debug.pdf| Lecture 13 (Debugging and Beautifcation) February 23]]
*[[Media:isc4304speedS2017.pdf| Lecture 14 (Speed) February 28]] ([[Media:EuroTutorial2011.pdf| Original Lecture]])
*[[Media:isc4304julia.pdf| Lecture 15 (alternatives to Python: Julia) March 2]]  (Complete [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/Julia-EuroSciPy14-mod.zip package]  with IJulia notebooks) [for installation of Julia and IJulia look at [http://www.julialang.org the Julia main website] ].
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusintro.pdf| Lecture 16 C++ Pointers and such March 21]]
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusreferences.pdf| Lecture 17 C++ References March 23]]
*[[Media:isc4304STL.pdf| Lecture 18 STL March 28]]
*Additional Material on const correctness and operator overloading [http://courses.cms.caltech.edu/cs11/material/cpp/donnie/cpp-ops.html operator instructions]; [https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/const-correctness Const-correctness]
* [[Media:isc4304boost_python1S2017.pdf| Lecture 19 Boost-Python March 30]] Installation of Boost-Python from scratch and trial of a simple example C++/python program ( [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes Example code is in the codes section under boost_1unix.zip]); we will also look at [http://mrbook.org/blog/tutorials/make/ MrBook's stuff on Makefiles]
*[[Media:isc4304boost_python2.pdf| Lecture 20 Boost-Python ]]
*[[Media:isc4304cython_bradshaw.pdf| Lecture 21 Cython April  11]] [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/cython_integration.zip Example Codes]
*Lecture 22 Cython versus Boost April 13 [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/deathmatch_boost_cython.zip Deathmatch_boost_cython] An excellent discussion of the Julia set(s) can be found [http://www.karlsims.com/julia.html here] and [http://acko.net/blog/how-to-fold-a-julia-fractal here]
*[[Media:isc4304cpluspluscython.pdf| Lecture 23 STL/C++/Cython/Python walkthrough April  18]] [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/part_example_automata.zip (partial Example code)]
*Lecture 24 Fortran/Parallel speed improvement walkthrough April  20 [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/more_on_speed_and_fortran.zip (Example code)]
* FAQ about cython with an example (Philip will lead) [http://peterbeerli.com/classdata/ISC4304/codes/mock.zip (Example code)] 
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*Lecture 22 More Cython practice April 9 [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/integration.zip (Example code)]  
*Lecture 22 More Cython practice April 9 [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/integration.zip (Example code)]  
*[[Media:isc4304templates.pdf| Lecture 23 C++ templates and the STL April  14]] [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/template_examples.zip (Example code)]
*[[Media:isc4304templates.pdf| Lecture 23 C++ templates and the STL April  14]] [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/template_examples.zip (Example code)]
*[[Media:isc4304cpluspluscython.pdf| Lecture 24 STL/C++/Cython/Python walkthrough April  16]] [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/example_automata.zip (Example code)]
*[[Media:isc4304cpluspluscython.pdf| Lecture 24 STL/C++/Cython/Python walkthrough April  16]] [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/example_automata.zip (Example code)] (see also codes examples)

Latest revision as of 05:25, 16 April 2019

( Syllabus Classnotes Homework Lab Resources Fun)

(for Spring semester 2019)


(OLD: for Spring semester 2018 [remains to prepare for lectures when new lectures were not posted in time])

(* Lecture 14 (object oriented python 2) -- not given) [we practiced OOP instead]

(OLD SLIDES for Spring semester 2017)

Old slides