Difference between revisions of "Notes ISC-4304"

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*[[Media:isc4304julia.pdf| Lecture 15 (alternatives to Python: Julia) February 24]]  (Complete [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/Julia-EuroSciPy14-mod.zip package]  with IJulia notebooks) [for installation of Julia and IJulia look at [http://www.julialang.org the Julia main website] ].
*[[Media:isc4304julia.pdf| Lecture 15 (alternatives to Python: Julia) February 24]]  (Complete [http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~pbeerli/downloads/classes/Julia-EuroSciPy14-mod.zip package]  with IJulia notebooks) [for installation of Julia and IJulia look at [http://www.julialang.org the Julia main website] ].
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusintro.pdf| Lecture 16 C++ Pointers and such March 17]]
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusintro.pdf| Lecture 16 C++ Pointers and such March 17]]
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusreferences.pdf| Lecture 16 C++ References March 24]]
*[[Media:isc4304cplusplusreferences.pdf| Lecture 17 C++ References March 24]]
Lecture 18 C++ references/Const/operators March 26, coding an example class [http://courses.cms.caltech.edu/cs11/material/cpp/donnie/cpp-ops.html operator instructions]; [https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/const-correctness Const-correctness]

Revision as of 04:47, 26 March 2015